Ministry & Activism

I have been lead pastor at First Mennonite Church of San Francisco since 2000. My family has been Amish or Mennonite for 500 years. In the spirit of my Anabaptist ancestors, I love reinterpreting this faith tradition so that it is relevant and transformative for our lives. My sermons reflect my (and my community's) ongoing dialogue with that tradition. I have also been deeply enriched by wisdom from Buddhist and Celtic Christian traditions and from Indigenous cosmologies.
Along with Sarah Augustine and Anita Amstutz, I founded the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery in 2014. We mobilize the church to address the extinction, enslavement, and extraction done in the name of Christ on Indigenous lands. You can learn about our work through our website, our Facebook page, the podcast I do with Sarah Augustine, and our books.
I was also one of the founders of what is now called Inclusive Mennonite Pastors, a group of pastoral leaders seeking LGBTQ+ justice in the church, a topic still close to my heart. Also check out the Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBTQ Interests, which has been advocating for an inclusive church and society for decades.